We thought it could be a good way to fuel discussion and get ideas from the gaming community at large if we were to produce a podcast of ourself and guests discussing a period of history each time, and then going on to talk about how to bring that to the gaming table.

So far we have the following episodes
Episode 1: The Battle of Tobruk. We talk a little about the battle, and talk about some of the figure ranges and rule sets for the period, before being joined by Jasper Oorthuys who talks to us about Wargames Soldiers and Strategy magazine, his own gaming projects and interests, and a discussion on the gaming industry as a whole.
Episode 2: Gung Ho! The raid on Makin Island: Just myself, Carl and Rob for this one, and we chat about the raid, and some gaming ideas around it.
Episode 3: Battle of the Bulge, "Wacht Am Rhein": This time we're joined by Piers Brand, one of the crew responsible for the Battlegroup rule set, and he tells us a little about the battle, and then talks about the Battlegroup rules and new Battle of the Bulge supplement.
Episode 4: Rebels and Redcoats: Rob, Carl and I give a very potted history of the American War of Independence, and have a round up of figure ranges in various scales,
Episode 5: Battle of Carentan: Just the 3 of us again this time, discussing the Battle of Carentan, and some gaming and modelling ideas too.
Episode 6: Summer of 1940: We have an extended introduction this week, where Rob and Carl discuss some of the events they have attended recently, before Piers Brand joins us again to talk about the Blitzkrieg campaign through France and the low countries.
We have plenty more to come too, so far we're averaging about 2 episodes a month, and each runs to around 2 hours, though a few run to 3.
Those links again, and we hope you enjoy the show!
The Brit, The Yank and the Hobby Facebook group. Join us here to chat and see galleries of models that support each episode.
The Brit, The Yank and the Hobby Libsyn, this also allows you to download episodes.