I've long been a fan of the figures produced by Footsore miniatures, however had never taken the plunge into painting any (I do have a pile of Saxons accrued over the years waiting for colour...).
Fast forward to a few weeks ago, and one of the new UK owners is my friend Andy Hobday (along with Mark Farr in the UK, and Bill Thornhill in the US). When he asked if I'd like to review some of the Late Roman range, I couldn't say no really!
Being a fan of the period in general, and anything Roman specifically and was very kindly supplied with the figures shown in this review, and a few more to come...
To start with, I've painted two packs, Late Roman Infantry Command, as well as late Roman Elite Infantry. Both packs contain 4 white metal figures, no spears or bases are included, however shields are included.
Casting is first rate, any flash or mould lines are minimal, and also positioned in places that will not be too noticeable one the model too.
A pin vice will be needed to drill a hole in the hand for the spears, I've used Footsores own brand of shield, using the 50mm spear/javelin pack. The Draco does need to be fitted to a spear tip or length of wire too.
Detail as exceptionally crisp, and clothing and cape folds are beautifully subtle and realistic.
Apart from shields and spears, all the figures are single piece castings too, so require very little work to get ready for painting.
Painting was a pleasure, I'll probably do a write up either here or for Footsore themselves listing the colours I used, however it's too many to list in this review.
Basing however, was done using Games Workshops Valhallan Blizzard, and Warlord Games Forest Ground Cover. Shield designs are decals from Little Big Man studios, and work very well with the Footsore shields.
At £6.50 for the heavy infantry, and £9 for the command pack, with spears in packs of 20 at £2.75 prices are around average to slightly more expensive than other manufacturers, however in terms of detail and quality these are stunning figures, and I wholeheartedly recommended these models.
an added bonus to this review, we've been joined by Bill Thornhill on
The Brit The Yank and The Hobby podcast. To listen, either join us at
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