The T-34/85 was designed as an upgraded T-34/76 fitted with a slightly redesigned hull, a larger turret, and extra crew man, and a much larger gun than issued T-34/76. The T-34/85's production started in February 1944, and the tank is still in service to the present day in some parts of the world.
The T-34 is the second most mass produced tank in history, by mid 1944 1200 were being built each month, in comparison around 1150 Tigers were produced in the entire war...
Rubicon have recently(In geographical terms), released a follow up kit of their T-34/76, the T-34/85. This kit is comes in their familiar dark grey plastic, and allows you to build either the initial production version, or the main 1944 production variant.
No crew is included, however there are a few extra track links for stowage, though no other stowage is provided.
I painted the model with Vallejo's 4BO colour modulation set, and I'll do a full review of this paint set in the next week or so once I've tested it a bit more.
On the whole though this is a very nice kit, and simple to add to your Soviet forces, and retails at around £20
As ever you can see more of my work at Volley Fire Painting and you can find Rubicons kits through their local distributers list on their website
Thanks a useful review!