I've been slowly gathering up some terrain for my Beyond the Gates of Antares collection, and in my mind my forces are fighting over a border world with a minimal Concord Garrison, a malfunctioning weather grid, and lots of seedy Freeborn trading posts. I'll come back to this next week with a more fleshed out background to my setting.
There are a lot of options for MDF Sci-Fi terrain, and as terrain is so important for Antares I decided I wanted to investigate as much as possible. In my mind I have the look of games like Mass Effect and movies such as B
lade Runner for the look and feel I want to bring to the table, so lots of dark buildings with neon effect, and high tech gubbins and street furniture for area terrain.
Hunting around the net I came across the TT Combat range of MDF terrain, and at around £10 or so for a medium sized building I bought a seclection, including the Forebearer Beacon, Buildings B and C, Food Booth A and some Vending machines. so far I've built buildings B and C, which you can see in the photos. I did build the Food Booth, however I ran into an issue, more on this in a moment.

Delivery times and packaging were good, however some of the MDF hadn't been cut through on some parts of the buildings I've done, and a lot of the connections are too tight and require cutting and sanding to ensure the building will go together. The Foodbooth was an especially tight fight, and in trying to get mine assembled I applied a little too much force and the whole thing imploded, with joints and walls snapping and bending. Key issues with these that I have found is that the MDF seems to be a weaker quality than that of say Sarissa or $ ground. If your after cheap terrain, then check out TT Combats range, I was quite disappointed with these though so probably won't buy any more.
One of my favourite places to get terrain and scenic items is Antenocitis Workshop, and I picked up the Warsenal Square Planter Island. I'll be getting more of these to use as area terrain as I like the look so much, and it adds a real sci-fi plaza feel to the table. This was a very simple, piece and went together well. I've been looking at the Warsenal range, and there are some very nice looking terrain pieces, so I suspect I shall have another order going in with them soon!
I hope this gives you some inspiration for your own boards, and I'll be writing up the history for my games world over the next few days! As ever you can keep an eye on Volley Fire Painting for more of my work
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