The war in the desert especially is immensely popular with wargamers, so this book has been hotly anticipated.
Published by Osprey and written by Dylan Owen and Alessio Cavatore this 136 page soft back book is packed with photos, rules, history scenarios and new units, costing £19.99 from Warlord and coming with a limited availability figure, lets see what you get for your money.
Duel in the sun contains 17 scenarios. Yes, 17 new scenario, these are typically more narrative battles rather than tournament ones, and the book also gives some advice on playing them as a campaign as well. Personal favourites for me are the assault on Monastery Hill and Kasserine Pass, both of which look like being immensely good defensive games, although there are plenty of others, including an amphibious assault, and daring commando style raids on airfields, (which also looks immensely good fun!).
New units and theatre selectors
13 new units are added to Bolt Action, not including the named characters. Some of these we have seen before, such as the SAS section, and the veteran US infantry squad, but some are new and I'm hoping to see a model for the Diana tank destroyer before too long for my own DAK.
Also included are some unit upgrades that are described in force descriptions at the start of the various sections of the book. Particularly note worthy are the options to add cavalry, specifically camelry to British and French forces by upgrading a regular infantry section for a small points cost.
5 'Legends' characters are also covered, mad Jack Churchill and Otto Skorzeny who we have seen before, are now joined by Charles Upham, Commando Kelly and Daniel Inouye and finally Hermann-Bernhard Ramcke totalling 2 British, 2 American and 2 German personalities.
Units added in the book break down as follows:
For the Italians
The Lancia Ansalado IZ and IZM armoured cars, the late war Parachudisti squad, the M75/34 self propelled gun are all added for the Italians, and the post armistice Italian forces are covered in a theatre selector that covers both the axis and allied Italian forces.
Interestingly, there is also a not quite an Italian theatre selector, but more a bonus for theming a force is the option to upgrade some of the Italian colonial troops to regular if using a force comprised solely of them (bar one none colonial infantry unit).
For the Germans
The Germans receive 4 additional units, namely an Sdkfz 263 command vehicle, the Lorraine Schlepper, which can be equipped with a vast array of weapon options, the strafbattalion squad and finally the Diana tank hunter, which I'm hoping will be kitted soon.
Two theatre selctors are added, firstly a Fallschirmjager platoon. This is a light infantry platoon for use in the Crete and early war scenarios, and can also be lead by Ramcke to make the Ramcke brigade too. The second selector is for the Hermann Goring division, and this allows you to do either a reinforced or armoured platoon, with an emphasis on tough infantry and good as well as plentiful anti aircraft weapons.
For the British and Commonwealth
Apart from the aforementioned cavalry upgrade option (also available for the French!), the British get 4 new units, apart from the named characters. These are a Maori rifle section, the armoured command truck, the SAS section and the Scorpion flail tank. The SAS we've seen before, but it's handy to have them here again.
The Scorpion flail tank is designed for clearing mine fields, so whilst it may not appear as an obvious choice for every game, it's great to have it added for scenarios, and a model would be a stunning centrepiece in a collection.
I'm quite tempted to make a unit of Maori's though, with obligatory rugby ball, and maybe performing a Haka...
Commonwealth forces only get one theatre selector, and that is the addition of the Indian army. This allows you to play an all Indian platoon, and this is constructed using a standard theatre selector for the relevant time period, but allows you to discard the usual British special rules in favour of a couple of new ones, specifically a free unit and very good morale.
For the Unites States
The American's don't get anything we've not seen before outside of their characters, getting the veteran infantry squad that has appeared a few times now, and the M29 Weasel.
Duel in the sun is finished off with a fairly extensive chapter bringing together the various scenario special rules added across the previous theatre selectors, notably, amphibious assaults, minefields, air landings, para drops, desert, mud and frostbite conditions, using captured vehicles, combined nationality forces, nightfighting and finally dug in forces.
Phew. Lots of information, and all an exceedingly helpful supplement for Bolt Action.
Prior to Duel in the Sun I had built vast desert armies for numerous clients for work, and had been burned out of collecting one for myself, however between the beautiful artwork and contents of this book, as well as a bit of family history I am very much heading into the desert for the long haul now, with British, German and American forces planned, with maybe some Italians and French for completeness... More on this next week!
Warlord have a number of excellent deals at the moment to make getting into the war in the desert even easier, you can get a box of Perry plastics, a tank and an armoured car for around £45 with free shipping, as well as some great terrain and armoured platoon bundles too.
You can check these out and also collect your book from Warlord Games. The models on this page are a mix of Perry DAK and Warlord LRDG trucks, as well as a Blitzkrieg Sherman,and all from my collection You can see more of my work, and contact me about commissions at Volley Fire Painting Service.
Cracking work! Absolutely cracking
ReplyDeleteMuch appreciated!
DeleteNote re: Diana: there were only 3 total in the entire theater. Not that that ever stopped a gamer, but just wanted you to know.
ReplyDeleteI do, and I intend to have each of them.
DeleteGreat review
ReplyDeleteWho makes the cast hull M4 in the photos
I need that for my. 1st AD!
Blitzkrieg miniatures. Also available from the Perry's!