Rubicon Models M4A3was one of their first wave of kits to be released, and I've built several for work, as well as having one of my own buried in the stash. As a result of this it seemed like it was high time for me to post a review of the kit of this ubiquitous Sherman variant.
The kit is designed for war-gamers, and so tends to forego any really fine parts.
The Sherman allows you to build either the 75mm, 76mm, or 105 mm armed varients, and includes parts to build either the 75mm turret, or the T23 turret as used for the 76mm and 105mm armaments. Unfortunately there are only enough parts to build one turret, and the only way to make them interchangeable if that's your thing, is to do so with magnets. Unfortunately fit of the lower to upper turret's not ideal either, so you will have to do a little work shaping it if you wish to avoid a gap or notable join.
Rubicons Sherman assembles easily for the most part and the instructions are nice and clear. The only Issue I've found in assembling them is that the .50 machine gun has a tendency to snap, as it's so fine, and the connection points are at either end. A trick for removing such delicate parts is to cut the sprue that surrounds it
Painting was done by simply airbrushing MIG Olive Drab Base onto the model, followed by Vallejo Green Grey as a highlight, before weathering with artists oils.
More information can be found at the Rubicon Models website, and the kits can be obtained in the UK through Plastic Soldier Company. As ever you can find more of my work at Volley Fire Painting Service.
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