Happy new year everyone!
Here's my first completed project for 2015, a regiment of Coldstream Guards to use in a game Jay and myself are planning at the Marquis of Lorne in Gillingham to mark the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo.
Models are very cleanly molded and only have minimal flash. I've used half the set to make the Coldstreams, and will use the rest plus an extra Warlord metal command pack to make the Scots Guards for my Brigade of Guards.
The figures are nicely sized, and fit well with the Victrix line. I believe they also fit well alongside the Perry range, however I need to get some of their plastic British to really compare them.
When painting these my main goal was to do as simple a paint job as possible, that also looked striking.
As such I sprayed the figures with grey auto primer, then picked out the tunics with Vallejo deep red, the belts and lace with Vallejo Sand yellow, the facings with dark sea blue and all the black parts with black grey. Muskets were painted flat earth and gun metal. The model was then given a wash of strong tone ink from army painter, then highlights were painted on using Scarlet for the tunics. I mixed white into the scarlet for the men, and yellow into the scarlet for the officers uniforms. This was done to show the difference in quality between the officers and mens uniforms.
When highlighting a figure I start by painting the base tone colour back on, the gradually mix increasing amounts of a lightening tone to create a graduated later, and repeat this processed adding more and more highlights up to the level required.
For basing these figures I used Warbases movement trays and based each figure on a 1 pence piece. To texture the bases I used Vallejo Dark Earth texture paint, then added various shades of green static grass. to add some more interest and add to the character of the muddy fields of Waterloo I added some puddles of dirty water to some bases, and added some mud to the legs of each man.
I'm extremely impressed with these figures and will be using Warlord for
the bulk of my Waterloo force. I also have a box of their 95th Rifles
which was very kindly sent to me by Warlord to review. If I wasn't
currently struck down by plague these would be painted too.
As ever more of my work can be seen here Volley Fire Painting
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