- Proper tools. Glue Glue Glue Glue Glue. I build probably thousands of figures over the course of a year and have learned that a pair of side cutters, a good knife and some plastic solvent glue are the most important tools around. My recommendation is this Plastic Weld. It creates a very solid join, and applying a little with an old paint brush to each bonding surface melts the plastic a little and gives you lots of play with the posing before it fully dries.Humbrol and other modelling glues are similar, but not as good as a pure solvent. If you don't have some, get some. When bonding plastic to metal you want Superglue. Superglue for plastic to plastic will cause you endless frustration and irritation. Did I mention using proper plastic glue? No? Get some.
- Proper tools. A pair of side cutters are cheap, here's an example of lots of types of Side cutters. The allow you to get the part off the sprue and without warping or bending the part in the process. When working on smaller parts like tools or pouches, I hold onto the part and clip the surrounding sprue away away along with the part still attached. This makes it far easier to trip the part without loosing it in the process.
- Proper tools!!!! A decent modelling scalpel is another must have. They are also cheap, and are fantastic for getting rid of mould lines and sprue connecting joints.
are other tools you can use, but to be honest these are the only ones I
generally touch. I do have a pin vice for drilling small parts like
aerials and gun barrels, and also some wet and dry sand paper in a few
different grains for particularly stubborn sanding areas, though for the
purpose of building figures these aren't so important.
posing your firing figures try to keep them with the weapon tight to
their body with the weapon tucked into their shoulders. I'm not a fan of
figures running and firing simultaneously, so tend to save these for
figures with their legs suitably braced or kneeling.
loader in the Japanese LMG team was built straight from the box, with
not chopping around required, I simply used one of the arms used for
carrying a rifle at the trail position to make him appear to be changing
magazines on the weapon.
I hope this has been of help, and as ever more of my work can be seen here at my site Volley Fire Painting
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